We recognise and pay tribute to the following people who, during their lives, selflessly and tirelessly worked towards achieving the “a just society through crime prevention”.
Mrs Marjorie North

Mrs.H.M.[Marge] North died in Sydney on 1 September 2010 at the age of 96 years.
Marge was one of the founders of the Australian Prison After-Care Council in the early ’60s. She took an active part in the steps taken to widen the role of the Council and to change the of the Council name to the Australian Crime Prevention , Corrections and After-Care Council and later to the Australian Crime Prevention Council. She remained interested in and was supportive of the work of the Council for almost 50 years.
In the ’60s Marge was appointed Assistant Secretary , having had experience working for the Civil Rehabilitation Committees of New South Wales. She became a conference organizer and a public relations officer. In the language of the 21st Century she was “a volunteer deeply involved in the field of human resources”. She was associated [in an organizational sense] with more national conferences and seminars than anyone else in the Council.
She was particularly effective in keeping in touch with the many friends and supporters of the Council. The Presidents of the Council and other office-bearers , who became her personal friends as well , included the inaugural President [Judge Alfred Rainbow Q.C.], Mr. Justice McClemens, Dame Phyllis Frost, Sir Max Bingham, Mr. Ray Whitrod, Mr. David Biles, Mr. Justice Muirhead, Justice Rodney Wood, Mr Justice Purvis, Chief Judge Don Brebner, Mr. John van Groningen, Judge Roy Grubb, Mr Bill Cullen, Professor Michael Benes, Supt. Reg Lucas, Mr. Colin Bevan, Mr. Frank Hayes, Professor Don Robertson, Judge Andrew Wilson and Master Peter Norman.
Besides this Who’s Who of crime prevention and criminal justice personnel in Australia , all of whom [and more] came to value Marge’s dedication and friendship , Marge was instrumental in establishing rapport and strong links with international experts who visited Australia. These experts included
Professor Norval Morris [Australia and U.S.A.], Dr. Ivan Scheier [U.S.A.], Mr. V.N. Pillai [Sri Lanka], Mr. Austin Williams [U.K.],Professor I. Drapkin [Israel],Professor Irvin Waller [Canada],Mrs.Angela Custodio [the Philippines], Dr. John Robson [New Zealand], Mr Jack Calhoun [U.S.A.],Professor Lawrence Sherman [U.S.A.] and Professor Ezzat Fatah [Egypt].
Marge was as comfortable in the company of police constables, probation and parole officers, social workers, prison staff, ex-offenders, psychiatrists, lawyers and public servants as she was in the company of Governors-General, Premiers, Attorneys-General, Ministers of Justice and members of the Judiciary. She endeared herself to people at all levels within the criminal justice system.
Marge was a very special lady. She will be greatly missed.
[Judge Andrew Wilson AM (Rtd) ]
Associate Professor Adam Sutton

Associate Professor Adam Sutton, ACPC’s National Vice President (Criminology) an engaging and passionate criminologist and a pioneer of government-initiated crime prevention strategies, died on 6 September 2010 at the age of 60 years.
In 1982 Adam was appointed Director of the South Australian Office of Crime Statistics; a position he held until 1989. He was appointed Director of the South Australian Crime Prevention and Policy Unit in 1990 In his pioneering work in this area of government service, Adam collaborated with ACPC and other NGOs. In 1992 he went into academia. His first position was as Principal Research Felllow and VicSafe Fellow within the Department of Criminology at the University of Melbourne and in 1994 he became a senior Lecturer in the same department. In 2005 he was promoted to Associate Professor,a position he held until a serious illness forced his early retirement in 2008.
In his life as a public servant, as a lecturer and as a researcher Adam pursued as central the importance of translating research into effective policy. He was the consummate educator with students at the University of Melbourne (and from across the country) appreciate beneficiaries His broad experience as both public servant and academic together with his pursuit of policy-relevant research saw him in high demand to serve on diverse policy-related committees including as Chair of the State Government on Victims of Crime, as a committee member of the Victorian Community Council against Violence and the Capital City Lord Mayors Advisory Committee on Drugs. In addition, Adam provided expert advice on a wide range of state Government agencies.
Adam’s policy work was characterised by both vision and pragmatism He argued that the major thrust of crime policy must be effective prevention of and reduction in the harms associated with crime. For him, academic research should work towards enshrining a tolerant society; research was never as end in and to itself. His research interests spanned drug law enforcement, crime prevention; white collar crime; criminological theory and crime policy. He wrote or contributed to many important publications including Crime Prevention: Principles Perspectives and Practices (co authored by Adrian Cherney and fellow ACPC Executive member Rob White, 2008)
Adam’s vision of establishing a working partnership between government agencies academia and non government organizations led to him accepting an appointment as Vice President (Criminology) of ACPC, a position he held until the date of his death.
[Edited and reprinted from PacifiCrim, the Newsletter of the ANZ Society of Criminology, Volume 8 issue 1, 1 April 2011, Fiona Haines, University of Melbourne and Andrew Wilson of ACPC]
Chief Judge John Brebner

Chief Judge Don Brebner was elected National President of ACPC in March 1985 and held that office until August 1987.
He had been admitted to legal practice in South Australia in 1950 and became a judge of the Local and District Criminal Court of South Australia on 17 May 1973. At first he served in the then Planning Appeal Board but was later transferred to the general jurisdictions of the court in April 1978 He became Senior Judge, later Chief Judge, on 21 March 1985 where he served until his retirement in 1997.He played a leading role in the establishment of the Courts Administration Authority and in the construction of the Samuel Way Building. Away from the law, he was president of the South Australian Football League from 1966- 1978, a period when football moved to what came to be Football Park. He was awarded a membership of the Order of Australia in 1988.
Chief Judge Brebner became National President at a difficult time for ACPC As a result of withdrawal of Commonwealth funding, the paid Secretariat closed in late 1984 and for a time its the future appeared to be in doubt. The proposed biennial conference planned for Melbourne was abandoned and both the National President and the Senior Vice President resigned. The Branches however decided to keep ACPC alive as a National body and arrangements were made to review the Constitution. On Judge Brebner’s election as President it was decided that the next national Conference would be held in Adelaide and the SA Branch committed to hold the next National conference.
Notwithstanding that ACPC no longer had the assistance of paid staff, its work continued, the Journal continued to be published, and Branches remained in some, but not all, States.
Under Chief Judge Brebner’s presidency the Fourteenth National conference of ACPC, held in Adelaide between 10th and 13th August 1987, and opened by the Governor General, Sir Ninian Stephen, was undertaken in conjunction with conferences of the World Society of Victimology and the International Prisoners Aid Association.
ACPC was greatly indebted to Judge Brebner for his important contribution to its continuation and development during his term of office.
He died on 27 November 2010.
[extract from CAA Newsletter, December 2010]
Mr Ray Kidney AM

Ray Kidney was a member of the National Executive of ACPC during the 1980s and held the position of President of the International Prisoners Aid Association (IPAA) in 1987 when ACPC held its 13th National Conference in Adelaide in conjunction with IPAA and the World Society for Victimology.
Ray began his career as a probation officer in what was then the Children’s Welfare Department of South Australia . After 13 years working with youth, he left the Public service to head the Prisoners Aid Association, which was eventually renamed Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Services, or OARS. He dedicated 25 years in a continuous quest to improve the way men and women were guided when they left prison, and thereby reduced their potential to re-offend. Methods of rehabilitation that had never been used in South Australia were implemented. Post release houses were a contentious issue, as no one wanted one in their street. However time and again local residents learnt that those in these houses were ordinary people who needed help. The Government of the day saw the potential in many of the projects that were established and were financially supportive, confirmation that OARS were heading in the right direction. Ex offenders were employed in initiatives such as restoring historic railway stations, the Old Adelaide Gaol gardens and boardwalks along beaches.
As President of IPAA Ray facilitated the sharing and exchange of information relating to offender welfare and rehabilitation and crime prevention amongst countries as far apart as Canada, Egypt, Iceland and Nigeria.
After his retirement from OARS Ray continued to care for offenders and their families as coordinating Chaplain at the Adelaide Remand centre
He was awarded the Order of Australia for his work in this and other areas. He died on 22 October 2010.
[ Extract from Obituary in “The Advertiser” , Mrs Margaret Kidney]
Mr Murray Clapham

Murray Clapham was a former Australian diplomat who served in Jakarta during the crucial years of transition from the last years of President Sukarno’s Guided Democracy in 1963 until the initial years of Gen. Soeharto’s New Order
Murray came to Jakarta in the mid-1950s as a member of the Australian Volunteer Graduate Program, a non-government initiative that gave the opportunity to selected Australian graduate students to offer their services in Indonesia with salaries equal to the amount paid to Indonesian civil servants. After returning to Australia and completing his studies, he joined the Australian foreign service and was sent to Jakarta in 1963.
When the Sukarno regime collapsed in 1965-1966 and a buoyant student movement emerged, he befriended many of the student leaders. Many of the student activists who were his long-standing friends became prominent corporate lawyers, cabinet ministers and ambassadors.
Murray left the Australian foreign service in the late 1960s and worked for his extensive family business. He was active in several non-government assistance programs related to Indonesia,
Murray was known for his personal generosity in helping so many Indonesians, sometimes some he hardly knew, by giving concrete advice and opening up new opportunities that was truly impressive. He tried to cover up his love for Indonesia and Indonesians with lighthearted jokes and funny stories.
It was through Murray’s encouragement and assistance that ACPC convened the Asia Pacific Regional Crime Prevention Forum in Townsville in 2007 and the further Forum in Adelaide in January 2011. Murray provided many of the introductions which enabled representatives of jurisdictions from the region to attend.
Murray died on 4 April 2011 in Indonesia.
[Extract from Obituary “The Jakarta Post”: 1 June 2011, Saram Siagiam]